The purpose of the Queer Faculty and Staff Association is to provide community, education and advocacy for the LGBTQIA+ faculty and staff at SSU.
The vision of the QFaSA is to encourage and support LGBTQIA+ faculty and staff so they can develop and fulfill the highest levels of their personal and professional potential and contribute to cultivating a more welcoming and inclusive environment for our queer campus communities.
The purposes of the organization shall be to build community by providing opportunities for queer faculty and staff to come together and provide support for queer faculty, staff and students; advocate for recruitment and retention of queer persons for faculty and staff positions as well as advocating for efforts to recruit and see queer students through to graduation; education and focus on policies directly impacting queer persons on campus at SSU.
QFaSA was founded in 2018. We are part of several identity affinity groups at SSU. Discover other identity groups and diversity at SSU.